Friday, September 24, 2010

Swept Away

As the emotions surge and alternate between anger and sorrow, despair and rage, the Xavier Harker kicks in and sweeps away all of these irrationalities, only to be replaced by the mute desolation, the icy wasteland, that frozen landscape devoid of life, of humanity, of feelings, of voices. The ice shall surge in all its stark bluest glory, for the world holds no hope for me. The pimpled reflection never fails to remind me.

Love is a sham, solitude reigns.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September Drawls

As September draws to a close, so does the seemingly impoverished self retreats into that cosy corner of reflection while dreaming of that bacchanalia teeming with fish and dancing with wild abandon. Company is both desired and detested.

I am bereft of rationality as Xavier reins me in occasionally with tight mental slaps. I have a foremost duty to my body. Xavier is selfish. And so should I.

There is no difference between friendship and love.