Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Beginning of the End

I think it's about time I close this blog. Life is too full of sorrow already for me to add on to it. It's time to lay down the arms, lay down the sorrow, lay down the wears and burdens and come to peace with Father. It's almost time to go back to Him, who has been patiently waiting for me to return ever since I knew Him, and left Him in the middle of that night, sixteen years ago.

I don't wish to come back here again. I have been closer to the edge than never before. I have loved, have hurt, have been hurt, have cried, have laughed, have been angry, been jealous, been excited, and have experienced the full spectrum of emotions that a human should have. This year has been this eventful.

But I will never forget, I will never regret the times of extreme sorrow, extreme love that I have so keenly felt, the hurt, the passion that coursed through me, and that I have expressed here, for it makes me what I am. I am glad. The Night is not going to be gloomy any more, as day breaks for a better tomorrow.

Xavier Harker means 'listen for the home'. It will be time to go back soon. Very soon.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Game

Stripped of the useless emotions, I am who I was, but for how long? I wonder. I yearn for that sickly sweet feeling of love, but am full aware of the destruction it brings. It is wonderful while the feeling lasted. Let the heartbeat die.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Too Late to Apologize

I guess what must go, must go. Only the memories will remain; at least I have lived once before.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I need to stop all feelings; hate the reckless run of emotions, hate the harshness of reality, hate myself, no meaning, no direction, no life.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Frozen Wasteland

This is the time when I constantly remind myself not to be slaved under the chainings of love, that my identify matters as much as anything else. Because often not, I have been copying so many things that I am but a mere doppelganger to everything, especially the other. I need to establish my voice, subsumed for so long under everything 'normal', because I am anything but.

I need my cloak around me, yet my cloak must be my feature, my voice. I am not the other. I will not be subjected to the tyrannies of 'normalcy', to rules, to expectations, and of utmost, I am who I am, despite not knowing who I am actually. I need to be comfortable in my own skin.

My quaser remains, my every move forward is to make it happen. Damnation to those who stands in my way. The Mage shall control his destiny, not the other way. For too long have I been subjected to the damning rituals of my own contrivance, and it shall no longer be so. I am the Mage. Everything must be controlled. I shall not be held sway to the irrationalities of emotions. The Frozen Wasteland must reign in its place.